Critical Roll
Game Description: Critical Roll is a 3D Platformer, where you play through a masterful campaign made by you, Doug SpellSpeaker, a Level 1 Hamster Wizard who must traverse the lands defeating enemies along his quest, in order to retrieve the Legendary Lettuce of Myth! Journey across the land while rolling around in different dice, rolling for combat to defeat your enemies, and upgrading your dice.
Submission for the GMTK2022 Game Jam, Theme: Roll of the Dice.
Made on a Team of 4 People, over a 2 day production time.
Roles on Project
Gameplay Programmer
Physics Programmer
Gameplay Design
Level Design
Set Dressing
Shaders & VFX
Tools Used
Unity Engine v2021.2.17f1
Visual Studio
Shader Graph
Sourcetree & Github